
Going Against the Grain

I mentioned yesterday that I no longer attend a church. That the meaning of church has become something very different for me than what I’ve spent my life believing it was supposed to be and with that in mind, though my thoughts on church have changed, my beliefs have not. I still stand on my…

Church: Noun or Verb

I no longer attend a church. Those are six words that I would have never thought I would say. Ever. And at this point in time, I can honestly say that I do not know if I will ever walk through the doors of a church building (as a member of a specific church) again.…

Disappointments and Lost Dreams

Over the years, life has been full of disappointments and lost dreams with what often has felt like little promise of a turnaround. If I’m being completely honest, had God given me the insight of what my journey would have looked like, I’m certain I would have done many things differently. Had I been given…

Let us….

While it is true that an individuals’ beliefs about truth may be shaped by their personal relationship with the Holy Spirit, it is also important to remember that there is a foundational truth that remains constant. This Truth is found in scripture and in the teachings of Jesus, and together these form the basis of…


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About Me

Hi, I’m Nicole. For twenty years I was a stay at home mom to my fab five, but in 2015 I went back to school and completed my degree in government and now work for the Judicial Branch in North Carolina. I spend most of my time with my husband and youngest (who is the only one left at home). I love Jesus, my family, movies, cooking and writing! Looking forward to sharing my loves with each of you!